Órlaith Ildánach (OL)

Residing in: Tuatha de Eiscir Airgead in the Barony of Eplaheimr – , Insulae Draconis

Where will you find me? Running a workshop, helping in the kitchen, on the archery field or wandering around trying to find plants or mushrooms. Occasionally I herald, sometimes I run small events or markets at events. Like contributing to ideas and ‘vibe’ for events.

My persona is: Irish, possibly 15th Century and I wander into late period Italian for the clothes and the glass work.

Main interests: Arts and Sciences and being enthusuatic about things. happiest when running a “let’s just try it and see what happens” workshop. Running special interest discord servers for A&S. Love archery but am very out of practice.

My first event was Champions of Lough Devnaree in Eplaheimr

Easiest way to start a conversation with me?
Anything A&S, anytime

Awards to date: Order of Precedence entry

Other household affiliations: Recently of House Fitzwalter, to which I was apprenticed. Soon will be creating my own household, to be updated soon

Per pale sable and vert, a linden tree eradicated and in chief a crescent argent